Feb 13, 2017 Chunks, Word of the day Word of the day: crush It’s Valentine’s Day today, the one day of the year when married men panic buy the last sad bunches of flowers from garages on their drives home, restaurants double their prices and still end up fully booked weeks in advance, suicide rates soar and emotionally-stunted teenagers send anonymous cards (often written using a range of […]
Feb 13, 2017 Chunks, Word of the day Word of the day: zero hours It’s the question every father dreads being asked by their children. “Daddy?” a little voice will ask one day, “what’s a zero-hours contract?” You dread this moment for it will signal the beginning of the end: the end of childhood, the end of innocence, the end of hope! “Well, kid,” you’ll begin, “it’s your future! […]
Feb 9, 2017 Chunks, Phrase of the day Phrase of the day: Not just a pretty face Not just a pretty face originated following the Second World War with the beginnings of feminism. It was used by women to emphasise to their somewhat slow male colleagues that women were in fact very capable of all kinds of things – like developing space programmes, making scientific breakthroughs and running businesses – rather than […]
Feb 8, 2017 Chunks, Word of the day Word of the day: radicalise If a person is radicalised, something or someone makes them become more radical, more extreme in their political or religious beliefs. Over recent years, when radicalisation – the action or process of causing someone to adopt extremist positions on political or social issues – has been discussed in the media, it’s generally been with reference […]
Feb 7, 2017 Chunks, Word of the day Word of the day: tipping point I don’t know about you, but I love the game Jenga. I mean, what’s not to like? It has everything you could want from a game: the luck of finding that loose piece you can easily move; the skill of having a steady hand; but most of all the anticipation of the sudden crash. We build […]