Nov 6, 2014 Chunk of the day, Chunks Chunk of the day: Just because . . . it doesn’t mean We’ve both often had students act more than a little surprised at our apparently un-English ways. Smiling and being friendly is often enough to start the questions about whether we’re not secretly from somewhere ‘abroad’. This particular chunk helps offer a good answer – and is also great for students themselves. Just because I’m Brazilian […]
Nov 5, 2014 Opinions, Vocabulary Choice Why teachers shouldn’t prefer blonde I recently asked a couple of colleagues which word they thought was more frequent – arise or blonde. Almost immediately, the answer blonde came back. However, despite the confidence of the response, according to the British National Corpus (BNC) and various dictionaries, my colleagues were wrong! Arise is in fact nine times more frequent than […]
Nov 5, 2014 Opinions Welcome to Lexical Lab We were at a conference in Poland last year and a teacher we got talking to mentioned how excited he’d once been about the Lexical Approach and how discussing the ideas behind it had energised his teaching. He then shrugged wistfully and asked “Whatever happened to it, I wonder? It just seems to have vanished.”That […]