Jan 30, 2018 Chunk of the day, Chunks Chunk of the day: mass brawl Twice in two days now, I’ve seen the words mass brawl appear in news headlines. First there was a story about up to a hundred schoolchildren, many still wearing their school uniforms, being involved in a mass brawl – a big fight in the street – in Erith, a rather grim and depressing suburb on […]
Jan 16, 2018 Chunks, Phrase of the day Phrase of the day: on the cheap Some of you may have heard on the news this week that dozens of people were injured when a floor overlooking the main lobby of the Indonesian Stock Exchange building collapsed. You may even have seen the shocking video of a happy group of students and office workers who one minute were waiting for the […]
Jan 12, 2018 Chunks, Intermediate word of the day Intermediate word of the day: depression Today’s word is depression. Depressions are all to do with being low and down. So when you are suffering from depression, you have low energy and emotion and are very unhappy. When the country is experiencing a depression, there is very long period of low economic activity. There might even be bad weather caused by […]
Jan 7, 2018 Chunks, Word of the day Word of the day: handsy Just before Christmas, Oxford dictionaries announced their word of the year for 2017: youthquake. For some reason, these annual announcements always attract a lot of media attention here and this time was no different. Articles in a wide range of newspapers explored the reasons why the word, which is defined as ‘a significant cultural, political, […]
Dec 30, 2017 Chunks, Word of the day Word of the day: resolution The tradition of starting the new year by making New Year’s resolutions is an ancient one. The Babylonians used to promise their gods at the start of each year that they would return borrowed goods and pay their debts, while the Romans began each year by making promises to the god Janus, after whom the […]