Oct 25, 2017 Chunks, Intermediate word of the day Intermediate word of the day: mortgage A mortgage is a special kind of loan – money we borrow from a bank from a bank – that we get to buy some property – a house or flat. Obviously, buying a house is expensive so you might get a £200,000 mortgage. We also say you take out a mortgage for £200,000. A […]
Oct 22, 2017 Chunks, Word of the day Word of the day: hardcore Last weekend, I was lucky enough to run a two-day teacher development course in Rostov-on-Don, Russia. One evening, a few of us went out for dinner and while we were chatting, one of the organisers of the event started telling me about a recent trip she’d made up to Valaam, an archipelago – a large […]
Oct 17, 2017 Chunks, Intermediate word of the day Intermediate word of the day: embrace Embrace literally means to put your arms around someone, but in conversation we more often use the word hug – he gave me a hug / she hugged him, etc. Embrace is more commonly used to mean that you accept something or someone and you include them – which I suppose is basically what you […]
Oct 16, 2017 Chunks, Word of the day Word of the day: kinky To use one of those understatements that we’re apparently so well known for, the English are not exactly famous for being very direct – and this is particularly true when it comes to expressing our more intimate feelings. The stereotype is that we all suffer a bit from the kind of stiff upper lip that […]
Oct 10, 2017 Chunks, Intermediate word of the day Intermediate word of the day: peak If something peaks, it reaches its highest or best point, value or level of skill before then becoming worse, lower or less successful. So what kind of things can peak?Peak can also be a noun and an adjective. The peak is the time when something or someone is at their highest or greatest level. We […]