Nov 16, 2017 Chunks, Intermediate word of the day Intermediate word of the day: resignation When someone resigns from a job, they publicly say they are going to stop doing it. The noun is resignation. With most jobs in normal everyday life, people don’t actually use the word resign that much; instead, they decide to quit or leave their job. They might have to hand in a resignation letter to […]
Nov 7, 2017 Chunks, Intermediate word of the day Intermediate word of the day: suicide Suicide is the act of deliberately killing yourself. There are a number of different ways that people usually commit suicide:Sometimes young people get together and make a suicide pact – they make an agreement that they are going to kill themselves in the same way and at the same time. Often, when people are planning […]
Oct 31, 2017 Chunks, Intermediate word of the day Intermediate word of the day: allegation An allegation is a public statement saying that someone has done something wrong or illegal, even though this has not (yet) been proved. Allegations are often made against famous people or public officials, who might, for example, face allegations of fraud if someone publicly accuses them of getting money from someone by tricking them. Officials […]
Oct 25, 2017 Chunks, Intermediate word of the day Intermediate word of the day: mortgage A mortgage is a special kind of loan – money we borrow from a bank from a bank – that we get to buy some property – a house or flat. Obviously, buying a house is expensive so you might get a £200,000 mortgage. We also say you take out a mortgage for £200,000. A […]
Oct 17, 2017 Chunks, Intermediate word of the day Intermediate word of the day: embrace Embrace literally means to put your arms around someone, but in conversation we more often use the word hug – he gave me a hug / she hugged him, etc. Embrace is more commonly used to mean that you accept something or someone and you include them – which I suppose is basically what you […]