Mar 1, 2021 Classroom Activities, Coursebooks, Opinions, Pronunciation, Twenty things in twenty years Twenty things in twenty years part ten: the main point of focusing on pronunciation in class isn’t to improve pronunciation! Pronunciation is quite possibly the most neglected area of language teaching that there is. In many of the classes I’ve observed over the years, I’ve seen little or no attempt to work on pronunciation and where it IS focused on, it’s often instinctive attempts at correcting mispronounced discrete phonemes of the kind we’re all so […]
Nov 7, 2020 Opinions, Twenty things in twenty years Twenty Things in Twenty Years Part Eight: There’s nothing as practical as a good theory In the early years of my career, like many others in my profession, I suffered from an insatiable hunger for recipes. I devoured the resource books that were available in the staff rooms of the schools I was teaching in, and spent much of my hard-earned cash investing in further similar tomes. I rushed through […]
Sep 26, 2020 Classroom Activities, Opinions, The state of our profession, Twenty things in twenty years Twenty Things in Twenty Years Part Seven: Input is more important than output To say that the CTEFLA that was my gateway into the world of English Language Teaching encouraged me to be output-focused would be an understatement. Like many teachers who’ve come through the British ELT system, with its roots firmly in that bare minimum of twenty days of training, and teaching practice from day two of […]
May 3, 2020 Classroom Activities, Coursebooks, Opinions, Twenty things in twenty years Twenty Things in Twenty Years Part Five: there really is no need for needs analysis! One of the more ridiculous notions instilled in me on my month-long CELTA course taken back in the early 1990s was the idea that via a scribbled sheet of paper containing a few topics and some grammar structures, I might somehow be able to discern the ‘needs’ of my subsequent classes. In retrospect, it now […]
Apr 24, 2020 Grammar, Opinions, Twenty things in twenty years Twenty Things in Twenty Years Part Four: the way I was taught to teach grammar crippled my understanding of grammar! I feel it best to warn you in advance that this is a post that could potentially spiral wildly out of control! It may also, I fear, contain themes I’ve entered into from slightly angles during other posts in this series. This is down to the fact that this is a topic that’s exercised me […]