Feb 14, 2025 Classroom Activities, Core Principles, Teaching lexically, Uncategorized How should I use my coursebook? With principles! It seems that most teachers see the value of using a coursebook, but the bigger question is: how should I use them? That was my conclusion from reading a recent post on LinkedIn by Katherine Bilsborough. She asked for English language teachers who were anti-coursebook to explain why they were against using them. As it […]
Jan 13, 2025 Exploiting Exercises, Grammar, Opinions, Teaching lexically, Uncategorized The desire paths of language users and learners I was out walking the other day and it being somewhat damp and muddy, I decided to stick to the paved pathway rather than take this more direct ‘path’. But as I did so, I started thinking that the this kind of path, which you see all over the place, could be a kind of […]
Aug 29, 2024 Grammar, Grammar bugbears and curiosities, Uncategorized GRAMMAR NONSENSE & CURIOSITIES: can It may seem a bit strange to include can under the umbrella of grammar nonsense. I’m sure few of you have considered the rules for its usage as wrong or find the way it’s presented particularly weird – and n the whole, I’d agree with you! I include it in our ongoing series of ELT shame and […]