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Diversity, equal opportunities and ‘Prevent’ policy

Lexical Lab firmly believes in equal opportunities and will accept participants who meet language and other criteria stated on our course outlines, irrespective of race, nationality, gender, disability or sexual orientation. We will do everything we can to adapt the physical space, training materials or method to deal with disabilities. We also conduct all our training in a way which attempts to be inclusive and embrace diversity. We give all participants an opportunity to speak in class and exchange their ideas and feelings irrespective of background and we expect participants to engage in pair and group work with any other member of the group on the same basis. We expect interaction to be respectful and non-aggressive and it should absolutely not use language which is offensively directed at those with a different background or with different needs. Our diversity policy also extends to expressions of extremism that may fall within the UK governments Prevent policy. We take very seriously any perceived failure to fulfil this policy and would ask you to let us know immediately if you feel it has been breached.

In the first instance, Andrew will talk to the person who is accused of the breach. We will seek more information, challenge any hate speech and seek a resolution that satisfies the affected party. Where there is a repeated incidents and/or refusal to comply with a policy and pathway to a resolution, we reserve the right to exclude participants in accordance with our terms and conditions.