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Real-life spoken Spanish in mini-groups. Personalised lessons that boost your speaking skills.
Elementary & Intermediate

Online Spanish

Learn real-life spoken Spanish in small groups with expert teachers – all at unbeatable rates. Get personalised lessons that boost your speaking skills, broaden your vocabulary, polish your grammar and help you listen better.

Have you been using Duolingo, but feel the need
to work on your spoken Spanish?

Have you tried a Spanish class before,
but been disappointed with your progress when you try to communicate?

Have you struggled with classes that were
overly focused on learning grammar rules?

Our weekly one-hour classes are focused
entirely on genuine communication in Spanish
where you will talk about yourself and your life.

Meet Your Teachers


When he was growing up, Andrew’s French teacher told him he wasn’t a natural language learner. And you know what? They were right! But a life of living, learning and teaching languages, has proved to him that anyone can find the joy and friendship that comes from communicating through a foreign language. And he’ll help you find that same joy when you make friends in our classes talking in Spanish.


What makes stand out as a teacher is his warmth as a person and his boundless enthusiasm for what he does. Luis simply loves hearing what you have to say and teaching you new language. And after a career of five star reviews from his English language students, he’s putting his skills to work teaching one of the other languages he grew up with: Spanish. With Luis you’ll always learn and laugh.

Andrew Walkley

Luis Pedreira

Ready to improve your
spoken spanish?

Enrol at any time

One-hour lessons
+ Real social conversation every class
+ Learn language you can use
+ Build confidence to really speak

Speaking practice 

Direct Coaching
+ Personalised feedback
+ Practice beyond the class
+ Help and support with learning

£10 a week all in

Affordable fees
+ Unparalleled access to expertise
+Great value for money
+ Low-cost learning, high-skill teaching

Sign up for the course

Note that all times given here are LONDON TIMES and classes are only for students aged 18 or over.


What level is the course for?

Because we work directly from what you say – and show you better ways of saying what you mean – we believe level is less important than in classes that rigidly follow a standard coursebook syllabus. However, we offer classes at three different levels according to particular needs.

If you have never studied Spanish before, we have a 12-week Absolute Beginner course. It will get you up to speed so you can join our ongoing basic Spanish class. 

If you know some words in Spanish, perhaps know how to count or do greetings, know some basic verbs like ser, estar or hacer, but can’t really say much then join our Basic Spanish class to learn some common conversations.

For people who already know a bit of Spanish and want to extend conversations beyond basic questions and answers, join our Say more in Spanish group for A1+ to B1 students.

We currently do not run a B1+ group. But we offer one-to-one classes and small closed groups. If you can’t afford a one-to-one we can also mediate to find you a study partner / partners. Contact

What platform is used for online classes?

All our lessons are delivered via Zoom.

Is there a limit of students per group?

We have a maximum of ten people per group. Once the classes are full, they’re full!

What if I can’t attend a planned class?

Should you miss a class, we are under no obligation to offer replacement lessons.

Do you teach kids?

Please note that classes are for students aged 18 and over.