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Student participating in an advanced online English course

Learn English Online

Learn real-life English in small groups with highly-experienced experts – all at unbeatable rates. Get personalised lessons that boost your speaking skills, broaden your vocabulary, polish your grammar and help you listen better.

Online English
from London experts
Learn real-life spoken English in mini-groups at unbeatable rates
Learn English online with Lexical Lab

Advanced English Lessons

Alright, let’s get this straight: we’re not offering you one of those ‘miracle’ online courses that claim to transform your English overnight. We’re also not going to put you in a virtual room with a crowd bigger than a music festival. And you can forget about pre-packaged, one-size-fits-all lessons that promise the moon and deliver… well, not very much at all.

What Lexical Lab does offer is something far more valuable: a genuine path to improving your English, focusing on the richness and practicality of the lexical approach. Our online English courses aren’t about rapid leaps up the levels; they’re about deep, meaningful progress in how you understand, speak, and live English, especially at Upper-Intermediate (B2) level and beyond.

So, What’s On The Menu?

Intimate Interactive Zoom Sessions

Picture this: learning English in small groups where every question counts, every conversation is a step forward, and your tutor knows your name and your story.

Intelligent Conversations

We dive into discussions that matter, where you’ll get the chance to articulate your thoughts on a wide range of topics and sharpen your ability to argue, persuade, and understand in English.

Homework That Doesn’t Feel Like Work

Each week, you’ll engage with tasks designed to challenge and intrigue you, pushing you to explore the nuances of English that coursebooks often leave out.

Natural English in Action

Learn the language as it truly is – vibrant, evolving, and full of expressions that textbooks can’t teach. This is not just about knowing the grammar. It’s about sounding super fluent!

Interactive online English lesson
we have just one unique offer

Termly courses

A one-hour lesson each week
+ Unparalleled expertise
+ Personalised feedback
+ Language upgrades every week

total learning 

All round support
+ Focused pre-lesson worksheets
+ A Google doc of language upgrades
+ Weekly revision exercises

From £10 a class

Unbeatable value
+ Save when you book before Sept 16th
+ Includes all Lexical Lab material
+ Join now for the best learning experience

Experts to help you learn English online


Hugh Dellar

CEO & Co-founder

Hugh started teaching back in 1993 and has a CELTA, a DELTA and an MA TESOL. He’s the co-founder of Lexical Lab and co-author of the General English series, Outcomes and Innovations, as well as one level of the high-school series Perspectives. His first methodology book, Teaching Lexically, came out in 2016, and most recently, he has worked on two levels of the new Pearson General English series, Roadmap. When not teaching, Hugh loves cooking, reading about history and politics, buying and listening to old records, watching Arsenal Football Club, exploring hidden corners of London, and travelling.


Andrew Walkley

CEO & Co-founder

Andrew Is the other founder of Lexical Lab and the co-author of over twenty coursebooks, workbooks and teacher manuals (Innovations, Outcomes, Perspectives and Roadmap), as well as the methodology book Teaching Lexically. Outside of class, he does sport (football and running) and enjoys long walks round London. He has an allotment where he grows fruit and vegetables and he also likes reading, film and the theatre.


Margot van der Doelen


Margot (CELTA/DELTA) has been teaching English since 1992. She has a BA and MA in Japanese Language and Culture and taught in Japan for three years. She has extensive experience as a teacher (University of Westminster, St Giles International), course designer, materials writer, and examiner (Ministry of Defence, Cambridge Assessment English, Kings College London). In her spare time, she likes going for walks in the woods, reading historical novels, doing a bit of art and playing djembe in a drumming group.


Luis Pedreira


Luis has both the CELTA and DELTA. He started teaching English after gaining his CELTA from University of Westminster in 2004 – under the tutelage of Hugh and Andrew. Since then, he has taught English at numerous language schools in London and Spain, as well as at University of Westminster and BOSCO College, a charitable organisation that supports refugees in London. Presently, Luis is also working with Cambridge Assessment on the development of their online tool, Write & Improve. In his free time, Luis enjoys travelling and meeting new people, playing and watching football, watching TV series and films online … and keeping his twin boys entertained!

Ready to join
and improve your English?
Note that all times given here are LONDON TIMES and classes are only for students aged 18 or over.

Our next courses start the week beginning September  16th. 2024
What level is the course for?

Unless otherwise stated, our online classes are aimed at students who feel they are at Advanced (B2) level or above.

Students on our Advanced classes will already be experienced language learners looking to boost their fluency and get better at dealing with the business of everyday life, and at discussing thoughts, feelings, opinions, ideas and experiences. 

Because we work directly from what you say – and show you better ways of saying what you mean – we believe level is less important than in classes that follow a standard coursebook syllabus. Our approach makes it ideal for those wanting to learn English online effectively.

What platform is used for online classes?

All our lessons are delivered via Zoom.

Is there a limit of students per group?

We have a maximum of ten people per group. Once the classes are full, they’re full!

What if I can’t attend a planned class?

Should you miss a class, we are under no obligation to offer replacement lessons.

Do you teach kids?

Please note that classes are for students aged 18 and over.